
ศูนย์บรรณสารฯ จัดกิจกรรมปลูกพืชสมุนไพร เมื่อ 22 มีนาคม 2567 เวลา 13.00-14.00 น. ณ บริเวณด้านข้างอาคารบริการวิชาการ (AS) เพื่อปรับปรุงพื้นที่ปลูกพืชสมุนไพรเดิมจากปี 2566 และเพิ่มพืชสมุนไพร ได้แก่ ต้นโหระพา และผักเคล  738 total views,  1 views today

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The Learning Resources and Educational Media Centre and the Master’s students from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines conducted a library information exchange.

On 13 December 2023, from 13.30-15.00 hrs., the Learning Resources and Educational Media Centre, led by the Director, K. Daonapa Suyanon, and the team gave an interview to Masters students in the Library and Information Science programme of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines on Comparative Librarianship and Thai Library Insights through Google Meet in the 4th floor conference room of the Learning Resources and Educational Media Centre to exchange overall information and knowledge on the operations and services of the libraries in two countries.  485 total views

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Return or renewed items before 25 December 2020 (for academic executives / lecturers / researchers / head of the department)

Dear Academic Executives / Lecturers / Researchers / Head of the Department, This is to inform you that the due date for the librarymaterials (Book, CD, etc.) you currently have checked out from the library is 25 December 2020. If you would like to renew any of these items, please contact the library staff ordo it yourself through the library website http://www.library.mfu.ac.th/go/renew The next due date for renewed items will be 31 August 2021. For further information,please contact the library staff on Monday – Friday (Tel.6330, 6331)  717 total views

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Trial e-books : Pandemic e-Books

Gale has curated an eBook collection on Global Pandemics. The 58 titles in the collection are available to trial for four weeks. Explore all titles at https://bit.ly/2020pandemicg Acess code to sign in : health Extentsion to July 15, 2020  827 total views

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COVID-19 infection control and prevention measures in the library

COVID-19 infection control and prevention measures in the library New Library hours: Monday – Friday: 08.00 A.M. – 05.00 P.M. (Closed on weekend/holidays) We have COVID-19 infection control and prevention measures in the library as below. • Limit the number of daily users to 200 according to the amount of seats provided. (Normally, we can accommodate users). • Carry temperature checks on users. Those with body temperature above 37.5°C are prohibited from using the library. • Increase the frequency of cleaning tables, chairs and frequently touched spots. •Accept library fines via QR code payment only. Respectfully, library users are subject to the following requirements: • Enter the library using a gate near “Shong Cafe” only. • Scan the “THAI CHA NA” QR code before entering and leaving the library. • Wear a face mask while in the Library at all time. • Seriously keep physical distance from other individuals. •Frequently wash your hands. Hand sanitizer is provided at the library entrance as well as liquid soap in toilet. Theses rooms are still closed • Group study rooms • Multimedia Rooms • ECO-Corner Room • Quiet Room  844 total views

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