Resources and Storage

At the MFU Learning Resource and Educational Media Center, there are variety of resources for studying and researching. There are books, journals, pamphlets, clippings, electronic media and online databases.

Searching library materials could be done via Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)

General Books

General books are available on the 3rd-5th floor and are categorized into English, Thai and Chinese books, reference books, researches/theses, law books and medical books.

Reference Books
Reference books are available on the 4th floor under the following categories:
.      Thai reference book
R.      English reference book

Medical books and relevant subjects

Medical books and relevant subjects are available on the 5th floor classified by the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
using alphanumeric categories in the groups of QS – QZ and W – WZ.

Law Books

Law books are available on the 5th floor under the following categories:

  • Judgment of the Supreme Court (law reference books) sorted by B.E. year from 2485 B.E. – present.
  • Thai law books classified by Schiller classification system into 10 categories 000-999 with the alphabets K and TH.
  • English law books classified by LC. System in K category.

Researches / MFU Theses

Researches and MFU theses are available on the 5th floor under the following categories:

.              Thai research
Res.          English research

วพ.            Thai MFU thesis
Theses     English MFU thesis

Fictions / Short Stories

Fictions and short stories are available on the 4th floor under the following categories:
นว.       Thai fiction
Fic.      English fiction
รส.       Thai short story
SC       English short story


Journals & Newspapers

Journals are available on the 4th floor arranged alphabetical by title grouped by new issue, back issue and bound issue.
Daily newspapers are located on the 4th floor. Only today’s and yesterdays’ issues are provided. Today’s newspapers are also
available in living & learning zone (3rd floor)

Audio Visual Materials

Audio Visual Materials are available on the 3rd floor at audio visual media services categorized by the materials’ type.
To borrow material(s), please contact staff.

TC.      recording media
VC.      video media
CD.      CD / VCD / DVD

Online Databases

Online databases of e-books, e-journals, e-articles, etc. are available in every study field. Both abstracts and full texts are offered.
Searching the most of electronics resources can be done via Single Search.
User can see our subscribed and open access online databases here.

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