EZproxy is web proxy server to provide access to library’s online subscription databases for MFU students, faculty, and staff when off campus.
EZproxy is web proxy server to provide access to library’s online subscription databases for MFU students, faculty, and staff when off campus.
EBSCO FULL TEXT Finder is EBSCO’s discovery tool for electronic resources. It provides a single browsing and searching interface to all the EBSCO e-resources within the Mae Fah Luang Library collection, both journals and e-books.
Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data.
OpenAthens makes remote access simple. Explore how we help libraries, service providers and publishers provide a great user experience to content.
QuillBot is an online writing platform with a bunch of tools aimed at elevating and perfecting your writing. QuillBot paraphrases, summarizes, checks for grammar and plagiarism, translates, outlines, creates citations, and sets you up for success in school, work, and your personal life.
Scopus is the most comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science point of access containing all relevant literature.
Single Search is a search solution that enables users to search across all of a library’s subscription resources at once using a single search box.
Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism prevention service that checks theses, dissertations, and papers for potential unoriginal content by comparing submitted files to several databases using a proprietary algorithm.