China Knowledge Resource Integrated Databases (CNKI): Series F, G, J

China National Knowledge Infrastructure Dedicated to the mass digitalization of China knowledge resources, as well as creating the platform for global dissemination and value-added services, Started and first launched in June 1999 by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Tongfang Holding Group, Supported by Education Ministry, Science and Technology Ministry, Propaganda Ministry and General Administration of Press and Publications.


HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 200 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows academic institutions, government agencies, law firms, court systems, corporations, and other organizations access to authoritative, true-to-print digital material without the hassle or cost of using multiple research databases.

Legal Source

Legal Source includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 673 global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking.